Kidapawan Doctors Hospital Inc. (KDHI), a PHIC accredited tertiary level referral category hospital, delivers quality and excellent health care services with its 150-bed capacity and through its competent 400 employees. The Institution is owned and managed by the Kidapawan Doctors Incorporation, a SEC registered corporation made up of 56 doctors and the Diocese of Kidapawan.
KDHI is committed to serve the people of Cotabato, a thrust that prompted the Company to construct a three-storey building having in mind the comfort we intend to offer our patients. With the continuous progress, the Hospital now has 4 Suite Rooms, 43 Private Rooms, 19 Semi-private Rooms, 1 Male Ward, 1 Female Ward, 1 Pediatric Ward, an ICU complex, an OR/DR complex with specialized NICU, and an Isolation Room. On top of this, the Hospital intends to cater more clients by constructing an additional wing.
Kidapawan Doctors Hospital also offers comprehensive medical diagnostic and therapeutic services with complete tertiary-level Laboratory, and Radiologic and Ultrasound facilities. The Medical and Nursing staff are manned by fully-trained, board-certified specialists and sub-specialists of their respective fields.
Demonstrating commitment to our Mission and Vision, the Hospital has acquired top-of-the-line medical equipment for the different Medical Departments and for the diagnostic procedures of the Laboratory Department. Recently, the Hospital opened its Renal Dialysis Unit to cater the needs of patients with renal problems. Two (2) trained Nurses work together with our In-House Nephrologist to deliver excellent renal services to our patients.
In 1998, KDHI is the 1st hospital in South-central Mindanao to fully computerize its operations through local networking. The Hospital also has its own back-up 700KW electric generator and 220M deep well with multi-stage water filtration system to ensure 24/7 electric supply and clean water for our patients. For ease of access, the Hospital has 5 telephone lines, three booked for a 16-line PABX, one (1) line exclusive for FAX services, and one direct for outside calls. For internet access, the entire Hospital premise is a WI-FI hotspot. Service telephones are located in all nursing stations.
On top of primary health care services, our other Hospital Departments also endeavor to keep client satisfaction at the highest levels. Like the Nutrition and Dietetics Section of the Hospital who serves quality and healthy meals to all our patients, even to those without PhilHealth Insurance. In addition to the excellent meals, the Section also provides diet counseling for our patients. Moreover, emergency transport is offered by the Hospital through its 24-hours Ambulance Service. Chaplaincy services are also available upon request.
Furthermore, the Hospital has opened our Diabetes Clinic where patients can join the Diabetic Club and avail of discounts on medicines as well as to participate in diabetes counseling, blood sugar monitoring, and information drive. The Club also encourages its members to bring their family to strengthen their bond and understanding in dealing with diabetes.
Demonstrating more than 19 years of excellent service and leadership in health care delivery has been the commitment of Kidapawan Doctors Hospital, Inc. By remaining at the frontier of technology and client satisfaction, the Hospital endeavors to become the premiere Health institution in Central Mindanao.